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contoh kalimat not as bright

"not as bright" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Not as bright and hot as Kenya.
    Tidak seterang dan panas seperti Kenya
  • It's large, but not as bright as yours.
    Mengapa kau tidak memanggilku?
  • I'm not as bright as you.
    Aku tidak secerdas dirimu.
  • The magnetic organic glass luster is not as bright as the pearl light organic glass. It is brittle, easy to break, suitable for making dial, box, medical device and the shape material of the characters and animals.
    Kilauan kaca organik organik tidak seterang kaca organik mutiara. Rusak, mudah pecah, cocok untuk membuat dial, box, alat kesehatan dan bahan bentuk karakter dan binatang.
  • Polished porcelain floor tiles grey Polished Grey Tiles are not as bright as white and beige tiles but their calmness and nature make people look very comfortable and do not feel depressed Match the Polished Floor Tiles Grey with the gray furniture...
    Ubin lantai porselen dipoles abu-abu Ubin abu-abu yang dipoles tidak secerah ubin putih dan krem, tetapi ketenangan dan sifatnya membuat orang terlihat sangat nyaman dan tidak merasa tertekan. Cocokkan Ubin Lantai Dipoles Abu-abu dengan furnitur...